Fine Jewelry Care and Repair Guide

Fine Jewelry Care and Repair Guide

Congratulations on your exquisite 18k gold fine jewelry from Rosareem Jewels! To ensure your pieces retain their lustrous beauty and stand the test of time, follow these easy care and repair guidelines.

1. Cleaning Your Fine Jewelry:

Regular cleaning helps maintain the brilliance of your gold jewelry. Here's how to do it:

  • Mix mild dish soap with warm water.
  • Gently scrub your jewelry using a soft-bristle toothbrush.
  • Rinse under lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.
  • Avoid abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals, as they can damage the metal and gemstones.

2. Avoiding Chemical Exposure:

Limit your jewelry's exposure to chemicals and harsh substances:

  • Remove your jewelry before swimming, exercising, or engaging in household chores.
  • Avoid contact with lotions, perfumes, hairsprays, and cleaning products.
  • Put on your jewelry after applying makeup to prevent chemical buildup.

3. Storing Your Jewelry:

Proper storage prevents scratches, tangles, and damage:

  • Store pieces separately to prevent scratching.
  • Use a soft pouch or jewelry box with individual compartments.
  • Keep jewelry away from direct sunlight and humidity.

4. Preventing Wear and Tear:

With proper care, your fine jewelry can shine for generations:

  • Remove jewelry before sleeping or participating in vigorous activities.
  • Be mindful of wearing rings when performing activities that may cause impact.

5. Professional Cleaning:

Periodic professional cleaning ensures your jewelry remains its best:

  • Visit a reputable jeweler for thorough cleaning and inspection.
  • Experts can professionally clean and restore your jewelry's shine.

6. Repair and Maintenance:

In the unfortunate event of damage, follow these steps:

  • Contact Rosareem Jewels at for assistance.
  • Describe the issue and provide clear photos to assess the damage.
  • Our skilled craftsmen will evaluate and recommend necessary repairs.

7. Inspections:

Regular inspections help identify potential issues:

  • Have your jewelry inspected annually by a professional jeweler.
  • Inspections can catch loose stones, weak prongs, or signs of wear.

8. Re-Sizing and Re-Plating:

Over time, resizing and re-plating might be necessary:

  • Reach out to us if you need resizing or re-plating services.
  • Our experts will help ensure your jewelry fits perfectly and retains its shine.

9. Gemstone Care:

Different gemstones require different care:

  • Be cautious with delicate gemstones like pearls and opals.
  • Clean them gently and avoid exposing them to extreme heat or chemicals.

10. Warranty and Guarantee:

Our jewelry is crafted with care, backed by our commitment to quality:

  • Contact us regarding any manufacturing defects or quality issues.
  • We stand behind our products and will assist with resolutions.

We hope this guide helps you care for and enjoy your fine jewelry for years to come. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we're here to support you on your journey with your cherished pieces.